4. mai 2010

Lilleke rohus

Lõuna-Eesti rohud ja metsad on lillekesi täis – seda nägime esimese mai talgutel Soomaal, kus aitasime RMK matkaraja paigast ujunud matkaradasid tagasi paika tõsta. Kevad! (olgu see sulle märguandeks, paha külm sügis, kes sa seal akna taga praegu passid! kõss!)

Siin kaelakees on kaks eriti suurt lille, pigem suvised kui kevadised. Sellised vaba käega voolitud ja viimistlemata õied. Kee ise on ka asümeetriline, kanda saab mitmel viisil õisi sättides.


There is a flowery spring out there – we saw that on Saturday when we were in forest, replacing the wooden hiking trail which had flown away during the flood in Soomaa National Park. It was a nationwide campaign where people collectively went to clean parks and forests and other public places from garbage, clean and repair things that need to be cleaned.

And this necklace has two large flowers. No symmetry, no polishing. The necklace is asymmetrical and you can place flowers to different positions. The glass beads are really tasty-looking too.


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